ISO 17025 Certification (NABL)


Testing done in laboratories assures us that we are using the right product which don’t have any harmful effects. Certification for these laboratories is very much important as it is related to consumer health & fitness.

ISO 17025 is one of the main standard used for testing and calibration laboratories. Laboratories use ISO 17025 to introduce a quality system which is aimed at improving their ability to consistently develop valid results. A globally recognized standard developed specifically for testing and laboratories that intends to have authorization. This certification uses standard and non-standard methods for effective testing.

Their services are provided in a non-discriminatory manner that is accessible to all the testing centers and laboratories around the world. NABL complies with all the requirements of APLAC MR001 that includes the applicant and authorized laboratories to take part in proficiency Testing Programmes. The participant laboratory has to participate in at least one Proficiency Testing Programme.

NABL being an autonomous body under the department of Science & Technology, registered under the Societies Act. All the laboratories seeking ISO 17025 will be impacted in multiple areas. These certified laboratories uses qualified analysts, analyse performance of all the tools and equipments used for testing, validating analytical methods.


  • Easy access to more contracts for testing as proper authorization will also help to get more contracts companies that doesn’t need any authorization but do prefer authorized laboratories in some situations.
  • Improved reputation of laboratory nationally and globally.
  • Improved data quality and laboratory effectiveness.
  • Establish a base for most of the quality systems that is related to laboratories.